TNU Student Testimonies:
"This program has been a rewarding experience for me and my ministry. I have gained a lot through the program, and there are three key lessons I have learned in the program that will bring life-long benefits:
- Perception vs. Practice – A right perception of God leads to a right practice of ministry. I have reflected a lot on the perception of God as well as the practice of ministry throughout the program. This continuous review and reflection will sharpen and purify my practice of ministry.
- Information vs. Inspiration – The professors are very good at turning information into inspiration! Their balanced view of the two has demonstrated a discipline in academics as well as the Spirit. As a leader and trainer in church, it is not right to just focus on getting and transferring the information, rather, we should transform the information into inspiration that can encourage, equip, and empower the congregation to serve.
- Professionalism & Partnership – Church pastors not only need to be professional, they also need to have partners in ministries. The professors are always well-prepared, and they know their materials well. The seminars have also provided chances for classmates to share and become sojourners. This is particularly precious for pastors who would frequently encounter the sense of lost and loneliness in ministries.
My life has never been the same after this program. These valuable lessons are bringing great blessings to my life as well as the people I serve. To God be the glory!"
Written by: Doctor of Ministry Graduate Candy Lee (Pictured Below)

The China Program: Its Impact on My Life & Ministry by Doctor of Ministry Graduate Eleanor Jean Chee
“It has been a privilege for me to study through the program here in Asia. The professors who came to Hong Kong to teach in China were dedicated men and women of God who loved the Word and were very pastoral.These characteristics were evident through the teaching content, the manner in which they taught, and their pastoral care to the student body. Their teaching challenged my mind and fed my spirit and as a result, refreshed and strengthened me for ministry. Their teaching also gave me a renewed love for the Word and created a strong desire to pass on all that I was learning. It provided me with a richer base from which to minister to those God has called me to work among. The teaching was not just theoretical but such that could be put into ministry and practiced in my daily life.
As a teacher and trainer of missionary candidates going to work in cross-cultural situations, the classes have helped me to be better equipped not only to teach others but also encourage them on their mission journey to continue to study the Word, to love the Lord and walk closer to Him each day. I am so grateful to God for the opportunity to study and now also to be able to continue to take classes even though I have graduated. I love the Word of God and appreciate the opportunity to continue learning.”