Leadership Spotlight - The Impact of Community Development

This is Margaret Njoki Githinji from Kenya pictured above in her Tailoring Shop and below at her main shop "SAJEMAR Enterprises" which deals in general goods mostly related to women. Margaret has embraced the leadership training provided by WIN and excelled in many different areas as she recently updated us with an impressive profile of all that she is currently doing.
"Since the year 2007 I have always attended World Impact Network trainings to Kenyans on community development. These included among others Business Skills – Soap making, Beauty therapy, Card Making, Environment, conservation, Information Technology – Computer Skills, Website designs, Facebook, Conflict resolution, Disaster management, Accounting Skills, Pastors development, Leadership Skills, Marketing, CPR, HIV & Aids, Preaching the Word of God among many others.
Together with many personal discussions with the Director, Gabriella Van Breda, I purely attribute my success to these trainings. They have opened my mind so tremendously that hardly a day goes by without practicing some knowledge gained and extending the same to others. This not only applies to me, but several thousand others." - Margaret Njoki Githinji