Visit www.tniu.org to learn more!
With tremendous hard work and commitment, World Impact Network has launched its most recent initiative: The New International University (TNIU). TNIU’s mission is to bring American higher theological education to individuals and leaders in the emerging world. TNIU seeks to provide education to those who would not normally be able to access US education due to travel restrictions, financial restraints, or other issues. TNIU’s believes that leaders educated in their own contexts are better positioned to contribute to community development and enhancement through active local social and political engagement in their own contexts. Therefore TNIU’s educational programs are best suited for students who desire to engage with distance education both online and with quarterly on ground in-class components within their own countries.
Students have the ability to engage cross-culturally with students from TNIU sites located around the world. These online and on ground cross cultural exchanges fosters collaboration and contributes to the students understanding of the global eco-system. Annually these cross-cultural learning excursions will be available to students studying with TNIU. This gives students unique geographic, cultural, political and economic exposure at all levels of society on a Global level.
In this age of globalization we can no longer rely on the educational methods of the past to address the complexities associated with an increasingly complex and chaotic world.
TNIU degrees will equip students with operational and personal skill sets grounded in a Christian value system for the most diverse range of global realities. These skills include the ability to minister to those in abject poverty as well as to those in the corridors of power.
TNIU recognizes that there is a major problem associated with education being the masses who desire education and can’t afford it (statistics reveal only seven out of every one hundred people in the world have a college education). *[1]
There are currently 150.6 million students seeking higher education, an increase of 53 percent. *[2]
India alone has a challenge to add 800 new universities by the year 2020. *[3]
In China 8-10 million write the national university entrance examination. Only 2 million people are admitted to the national universities yearly, leaving 6-8 million people with access to higher education. *[4]
From these statistics it is easy to see the need: The world desires quality education. This is evident from the millions of foreign students who come to the USA – over 1.1 million at present. However there are still millions who have no opportunity to seek education in the US. At TNIU these students are the focus of our attention.
The model we envisage for TNIU is to “bring the university” to the nations and allow students to grow and continue to be an influence in their own contexts. TNIU fills this need as a unique, global university with low direct costs and minimal fixed costs providing quality, cutting-edge and faith-based curriculum and programs.
TNIU programs are offered via innovative delivery methods (i.e. online, and bi-annual on ground face to face lectures). This hybrid method of delivery is one of the most advanced and effective ways to deliver education.
Finally: TNIU has access to qualified faculty from around the globe. It is our firm conviction that education must be democratized so that it is affordable and easily accessible to all people desirous of learning and higher education. In order to do this we will work tirelessly with partners in the various countries on different continents to decipher ways to provide education to all who desire it.
At TNIU we see education as the new missions frontier. We believe that Christian values based education is the most effective way to impact leaders, nations and ultimately the world. The world is in dire need of leaders with integrity, who can act accountably and who desire to serve others in order to create better societies and a better world.
For further questions about TNIU, its mission or its programs, please contact us. We would love to speak with you about our passion to reach the masses with Christ-centered, values-based education.
The New International University believes that all people are created in the image of God and is committed to providing equal opportunity and access in its educational and spiritual programs and activities. The school provides full and affirmative compliance with the provision of Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, national or ethnic origin, handicaps or disability, age, marital, or veteran status in any of its policies, procedures, or practices. This includes its admissions policy, educational programs, treatment, employment, and all other activities that it provides. In addition, recognizing that women and men are equal partners in the ministry of building the Kingdom of God, the University strongly discourages the use of discriminatory language. The University also prohibits any form of sexual harassment by any of its employees and students.
The Washington Student Achievement Council has determined that The New International University qualifies for religious exempt status from the Degree-Granting Institutions Act for the following programs: Associate of Christian Ministry (ACM), Bachelor of Theology (BTh), Master of Ministry (MM), Master of Divinity (MDiv), Doctor of Christian Leadership (DCL), and Doctor of Ministry (DMin). The Council makes no evaluation of the administration, faculty, business practices, financial condition or quality of the offerings by this institution. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430 or by email at degreeauthorization@wsac.wa.gov.